
National Stuttering Association

Purple and turquoise starburst with the letters NSA in the middle.

The NSA® is the largest stuttering support group in the world; however, we are not the only organization dedicated to supporting people who stutter, their families, and the clinicians who serve them. There are many helpful groups, camps, events, and other resources available throughout the country – and throughout the world – for those interested in stuttering. Please note that this is just a partial list of stuttering organizations and resources.

American Board of Fluency and Fluency Disorders (ABFFD) – Stuttering specialists are speech-language pathologists who have been recognized by the ABFFD as having achieved advanced training and clinical skill for working with people who stutter and their families. A list of Board-Certified Specialists in Fluency Disorders (BCS-F) can be found at www.stutteringspecialists.org.

American Institute for Stuttering (AIS) – AIS has offices in New York City and Atlanta, GA. Individual and group therapy services are available in person and online. They offer a variety of themed workshops in addition to one-week immersion therapy programs several times a year. The therapy approach is dynamic and individualized, and has roots in avoidance reduction therapy, stuttering modification, mindfulness training, and cognitive therapy. Clients who demonstrate financial need receive services at a reduced cost or for free. http://stutteringtreatment.org

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the professional association for speech-language pathologists. ASHA’s Special Interest Division for Fluency and Fluency Disorders (DIV-4) is comprised of clinicians and researchers who have expressed a particular interest in stuttering. www.asha.org

A Free Voice– founded in 2018 and focusing on ending the rampant stigma behind stuttering and other speech differences through local workshops and public awareness campaigns. A Free Voice is a non-profit organization run by and for stutterers, victims of other speech differences, and their families.  A Free Voice aims to raise awareness about the stigmatization behind speech disfluency and join the global movement against the condition. AFreeVoice.org

British Stammering Association, (BSA) – the only national organization in the United Kingdom for adults and children who stammer, run by people who stammer. This organization is the United Kingdom’s equivalent to the NSA. http://www.stammering.org

Canadian Stuttering Association (CSA) – The Canadian Stuttering Association is a national, volunteer driven, not-for-profit organization that promotes awareness of stuttering and provides support for people who stutter and their families, with a view to helping stutterers deal as effectively as possible with their stutter and to achieve their full personal and professional potential. http://www.stutter.ca

Friends – a national organization created to provide a network of love and support for children and teenagers who stutter, their families, and the professionals who work with them. http://www.friendswhostutter.org

International Stuttering Association – an international association made up of national groups which is guided by a board of directors with the aim of helping others understand stuttering. www.stutterisa.org

Make Room For The Stuttering is a blog written by a person who stutters who talks about the many parallels in life to stuttering. Also linked to the blog is the unique podcast that exclusively features a space for women who stutter to give voice to their story. Visit Women Who Stutter: Our Stories here and on iTunes. www.stutterrockstar.com.

Passing Twice – a support organization dedicated to the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender stutterers and their friends. www.passingtwice.org.

Say – Our mission is to empower young people who stutter and inspire the world to treat them with compassion and respect, so they can achieve their dreams. Our vision is a world where every voice matters. www.say.org

Spero Stuttering – Our vision is to help, empower, and advocate for the stuttering community and their families by equipping those who work with people who stutter.

Stuttering Foundation of America – SFA provides free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering. www.stutteringhelp.org

Stutter Social – Stutter Social is an online community of people who stutter that use virtual meeting spaces to support each other. Participants use webcams to meet in Google Hangouts or use the Stutter Social mobile app to socialize and befriend people who stutter from all over the world. http://www.stuttersocial.com

StutterTalk  – A weekly podcast where the hosts talk openly about stuttering and interview people who stutter and leaders in the field. http://stuttertalk.com/

Stuttering Home Page – an award-winning site that is dedicated to providing information about stuttering for both consumers and professionals who work with people who stutter. www.stutteringhomepage.com

Stuttering U. – a 3-day camp designed to provide children who stutter (ages 7-18) and their parents with an opportunity to learn about stuttering, take communication risks, and develop meaningful relationships with their peers. By integrating innovative activities, participants will be empowered to discover their voices in order to become more confident and effective communicators.

Marshall University/Stuttering U. Resource Page
Stuttering U. Facebook Page